Day to day, crypto currencies can move 20%+/- or more on a moments notice. But are these all random market swings or are there predictive indicators that will dictate moves in the market before they happen?

As a seasoned trader, I made it my business to sift through and analyze over 1,000+ metrics and variables to then filter out the ‘impurities’ (bad, noisy, and irrelevant data) to come up with a consistent trading model. The fundamental premise of all my work was that data makes a pattern, patterns make shapes, and with shapes one can make statistically accurate models. Statistical accuracy being the key.

Without much more than the raw data coming from the over 100+ exchanges we analyze in crypto currencies today, Bitcoin being the most prevalent of course (for now), it became painfully clear that only a few exchanges actually mattered when considering what trading activity would be a forerunner to a major market swing. In addition, and not to our surprise (given that 60%+ of the mining for Bitcoin and most crypto currencies comes from one country in Asia that rhymes with Dinah), mining data also became what’s called a leading indicator for price action. Meaning that miners, either in tandem or in parallel, were in fact coordinating their sell orders to take advantage of fluctuations in the price. That makes sense, given historically how commodity producers of size tend to work and the economics thereof.

This is a topic that I could literally share months worth of data on, however if you trade crypto currencies and would like to chat, via a coaching or mentorship arrangement, I am happy to consult to you. Please visit to subscribe and include your name, email and best time to reach you so we can begin a coaching mentorship that should help elevate the returns you see when trading.

All the best,
